
What is psychology

                          What is psychology;

To make Psychology easier to understand, let me tell you what is  Psychology. Now you should know what its meanings are. The word psychology is a combination of two Greek words The first word is Psyche and the second is Logo which is a Greek word. Psyche means soul and Logo mean Study. Now the word formed from the combination of these two words is Study of Soul but where did the idea of psychology come from? Where did the words of psychology come from?

Psychology was originally developed by a Greek philosopher and he first talked about the soul and then talked about the mind and all their phenomenon of what it is. At that time they talked about philosophy but slowly people started working on it and finally, we got psychology. Now the simple definition of psychology is the human mind and its behavior. Psychology has two things, what is the human brain and what is its behavior, so when we both know what it is, this is our psychology.

We try to explain to you that for example, now that we make up our minds about someone, how do you make up your mind? It is obvious from his attitude. By looking at the attitudes of others, we make up our minds. In the same way, our attitudes tell our minds what is going on in our minds at the moment. Behavior can make our mind like this, similarly, our behavior can tell our mind what our mind is like, these are just two things that are seen in psychology, That is, your mind will make your behavior and the behavior of others will make your mind for it,  So always remember that there is a very deep connection between mind and behavior. When we want to form an idea about a person, we will first look at his behavior.

Field of psychology;

An empirical method of acquiring psychology knowledge is one based on observation, including experimentation, Psychology includes the knowledge of conscious and unconscious phenomena, feelings, and thoughts Psychology is the scientific study of mind and attitude. This is an academic principle of immense significance, between the natural and social sciences. Psychologists seek an understanding of the increasing properties of brains and link the discipline to neuroscience.

As psychologists aim to understand the behavior of individuals and groups. psi is commonly associated with the science of psychology that psi is a Greek letter. A professional researcher involved in the discipline is called a psychologist. Some psychologists can also be classified as social, behavioral, or scientists. Some psychologists want to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior. Others explore the physiological and biological processes that underlie functions and behaviors.

Psychologists are interested in research on perception, emotion, attention, intelligence, subjective experiences, motivation, brain functioning, and personality. They also consider the unconscious mind. Psychologists’ involvement extends to inter-personal relationships, psychological resilience, family elasticity, and other areas within social psychology. psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and psychosocial variables. Some of them but not all, and clinical psychologists rely on symbolic interpretation. While psychological knowledge is often applied to the treatment of mental health problems it is also understanding and solving problems in several spheres of human activity.

According to many experts, psychology is ultimately about the benefit of society. Many psychologists are interested in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in counseling, or school settings. Other psychologists conduct scientific research on a wide range of topics related to mental and behavior. So typically the psychologists work in academic settings ( universities, medical schools, hospitals).

Another group of psychologists is worked in industrial and organizational settings and others are involved in work on human development, production, sports, health, forensics, and the media. there are some lists below. 1. Etymology definitions 2. histories Beginning psychology Consolidation and funding 3. Disciplinary organization 4. Major schools of thought 5. Themes 6. Applications 7. Research methods 8. Contemporary issues in methodology and practice. There is so little to say about psychology. Yes, there is a wide article in it. If you like it, please tell me and inform me.


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