
Selecting the Optimal Planner Just For You

  • When shopping for a planner, you should determine which features and functions are most important to you. If you don’t resist the urge, you’ll have more than you need. 

How do you choose the ideal planner that meets your needs? Finding something that makes your life easier rather than harder. If you’re interested in buying a new planner, the following tips can be very helpful for you

Understand the purpose.

Everything from work and school schedules to household duties to meal scheduling to goal setting can be better managed with a planner. Many different sizes and formats are available: small monthly planners, medium-sized weekly ones, and detailed daily ones. A simple spiral-bound paper planner is an option, as is an entire planner system that includes refills and extras.

 In addition to being an appointment calendar, your planner can also be used as a notebook or journal. Determine which sections and pages of your planner you need to keep an eye on to get the most out of the tools available to you.

Layout and size

What kind of layout and size do you prefer? The answer to this question depends on how detailed you want to go with your planning or how simple you want to make it. First things first: figure out if you need a daily, weekly, or monthly calendar and go from there. Also, make a note of the size of the planner you need.

Are you looking for a small planner that you can take with you or a large planner with plenty of room for notes? Note that weekly planners are generally easier to transport due to their small size and weight, but daily planners are usually heavier and more cumbersome.
If you make these choices in advance, finding a planner won’t be as time-consuming.


If you plan to use a planner year-round, you should find one that fits your style. There’s something about a stylish planner that inspires me to use it, so you should make sure the design suits your preferences. Decide whether you want something with a bright design or something with a simpler layout.

Things like planner stickers and color coding may seem attractive enough, but for some people, they’re more of a distraction than anything else. It’s not necessary to have a beautiful planner if it requires more effort to maintain than it provides in the way of benefits, but having one that meets your needs well is fantastic.

The bottom line

Stop attempting to confine every aspect of your professional and personal life into a single box. Instead, utilize an entire page to organize every aspect of your life with the best planner ever, encompassing your job, fitness, mindset, and routines, among other things.

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